THE loss draft resource for RESTORATION CONTRACTORS, PUBLIC ADJUSTERS, or ANY CONTRACTOR working for insurance programs! We know that every minute your company goes without payment costs you more than money. It is costs you the ability to start new projects, holds up payment to your subcontractors, and keeps you from maximizing profitabiliy. Endorsement Checklist will drastically reduce endorsement turnaround time for your general contracting, restoration, or mitigation company!

All loss draft contact information, phone and fax numbers, required documents, and authorization forms needed for mortage company endorsements. All the information you need in one place.

Techniques and tips for each mortgage company to get your checks endorsed faster. Insightful articles with easy to follow instructions to maximize your company's efficiency.

If your company needs an endorsement from a mortgage company that we do not have, we will help get their loss draft information for you and add it to our already extensive roster.

Less expensive than the cost of one overnight mailer! Simple, fast registration gets Your Company immediate access to all of our information.